ISOFLUX is a complete range of single or double beam ultrasonic meters, intended for flow measurements for conductive, non-conductive and aggressive liquids. The range includes the following versions:
IFX-A - Alternating current meters
IFX-B - Battery meters
IFX-C - MID certified water meters
The ultrasonic flow meters work according to the principle of measuring the difference in the transit times of the ultrasounds, waves that travel in and against the direction of the flow of the fluid. It can be connected to any type of meter such as our ISONRG-ML311, or it can supply pulses directly, in a compact version.

ISOFLUX, model IFX-Mx-01 is an ultrasonic flow sensor suitable above all for measuring energy consumption for fluids, also other than water, in closed or open energy systems and also for water consumption. main features and advantages of the IFX-Mx-01 model are:
All flow sensors are MI004 certified according to European standard EN1434, IFX-M4-01 can be used as sensors for calculating thermal or refrigeration energy and for measuring flow.
The range starts from DN25 up to DN200.
It can be connected to any type of meter such as our ISONRG-ML311, or it can supply pulses directly, in a compact version.
Integrated battery power supply or can be powered externally.

The meters work on the principle of the difference in the transit time of ultrasound pulses.
The big advantage is in the installation, since it is not necessary to cut the pipe. The sensors are simply bandaged on the external surface of the tube, which is why pressure and aggressiveness of the liquid to be measured are not a problem for the meter. The system measures bidirectionally and is suitable for clean or moderately soiled liquids.

Clamp-on ultrasonic flow meter for fixed or portable installation. Range of sensors for flow measurement in a variety of liquids, including ultra pure and non-conductive liquids, for pipes from DN10 to DN 4500 and for temperatures up to 250 ° C.

The flow measurement system consists of a digital converter and two ultrasound transducers. The transit time of a fluid, inside a cylindrical section tube, is the operating principle on which the tool is based to calculate the
instantaneous flow rate value. DSP, Digital Signal Processing technology, ensures low system sensitivity towards any potential disturbing factors.

Ultrasonic doppler clamp-on flow meter for fixed or portable installation. Range of sensors for flow measurement in a variety of liquids, including ultra pure and non-conductive liquids, for pipes from DN40 to DN 4000 and for temperatures up to 250° C.